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Building authority should become a monomania for you. Not for world domination and goading mindless minions to cater to your every whim. But because you want to do great, impactful work – overused words I realise but pertinent. We are out here, building these formidable businesses because we believe we can bring some great energy to the world. True, right?
Listen, I’m serious about this stuff. I’d like to imagine that if you’re reading this blog, you’re saying to yourself, “I want to create something noteworthy, I want to build a brand, I want to generate my own income, I want to establish a profitable, maybe even global, business.” Well, if you are, we ain’t out here playing no games.
What we do is something amazing and purposeful, and it’s for the people. And that’s not some grand or lofty ideal; it’s the beautiful truth. You are one of those people who wants to leave the world better than when you found it. The way to do that is with the new marketing. These days, having a voice on social media and creating fabulous content that people love is the new marketing. Unlike the yesteryear business, we don’t convince people of want they want; we help them get what they want – a huge difference.Â
Perhaps it’s a few people we impact. Or if you are incredibly ambitious like me (I was once called ‘over ambitious’ 🤔), we dream of positively influencing millions of people. The point is, for us, building authority means we serve the audience first and foremost. Before we think about lining our pockets, we want to deliver the expected goods; goods of change, laughter, hope, quality of life or whatever your audiences’ deepest desires are.
And this sort of ambition takes a lot. Be prepared to give it your all. You will find yourself each day, hitting repeat on figuring out the change that you will bring. And you get bold about it, permitting yourself to impact groups of people unashamedly and selflessly. Be free in this ambition. Go ahead and make it your burning desire to stand out and do the things others wouldn’t dare do.Â
And whether the rest of the world likes it or not, when you keep going, and you keep serving, and it’s your truth, and people can see it’s your truth, you’ll be building authority. It’s a no brainer- complete common sense. When you serve others and give tremendously before you get, you are eventually recognised for your good deeds. So you mustn’t ever stop. There’s always a reward waiting for you out there.
Remember this, as human beings, we are incredibly perceptive when it comes to recognising the people who are trying their darndest to add some beauty into the world. We regard those people who make a change as deserving of respect and gratitude. What you give out, you get back- it’s a simple law of the universe. Â
Contrary to what many of us have been taught, you don’t have to Lord it over people to build authority. No! You help them out. And we have the fortunate opportunity in our times to achieve that from the palm of our hands; from our phones no less.
So don’t hold back. Get out there today and every day to do the marketing that makes the world a better place.
Also, to all the CEOs, Marketing Professionals, Founders and anyone else building a brand using social media, I encourage you to join the upcoming webinar – ‘A Simple Content Strategy for Brand Growth’. This workshop is ideal for Content Marketing professionals looking to develop critical strategies to work in an organisation or build brand awareness. Book your spot here, now and today.
Join this professional Masterclass for powerful but simple content marketing strategies to build an influential brand on social media.
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