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One of the things that hinder progress as a content creator is a social media identity crisis.
It’s just one of the things.
And may only apply to some of you.
Some of you are failing because of a social media identity crisis.
You do not know who you are, are terrified to be who you are, or are worried that others won’t like who you are. So you try to be something you perceive is better than yourself.
You try to please, which isn’t necessarily a bad thing. After all, that’s the job – pleasing audiences.
Unfortunately, when we try to fit a preconceived notion, we stifle the art within ourselves.
When it comes to content creation, don’t set yourself any rules.
Realise that you are allowed to brand yourself as you like. Your work won’t be everybody’s cup of tea, but that’s okay. Focus on doing the things that you want to do.
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