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Some of us possess great captivating talents, are graced with good looks (or amazing makeup skills), dress very well, talk even better, ooze charm and charisma and have all the fabulous equipment needed to create amazing content. Before I continue, it has come to mind that I need to make the following disclaimer. Pleeease, nobody, come for me in the comments and make my descriptions of life and people more than what they are – lighthearted, sweeping and sometimes nonsensical generalisations and in no way intended to be an intellectual or serious summation of real life. So as I was saying – for some of us mere mortals it would appear that we need to do a whole lot more to scale the heights of social media popularity. Yet, I beg to differ. I think it is important we remember two things. That firstly, a million and one fans is a grand and worthy goal but not necessary. We need only positively impact one person at a time. And if that amounts to 1000 in a lifetime – not bad going kiddo! Secondly, and this point is in a slightly different vein from my first but intended to help you do incredibly well. Now, I regularly hear these following complaints. “I don’t have the time.” “I don’t know what to post.” “I don’t have the equipment.” I can relate to some extent. About two years ago, a friend visiting my home, entered the front door and promptly fished out his phone and began sharing on Instagram that he had arrived. Whilst being both bemused and impressed, I managed to play my part very well when he flipped the phone to introduce me to his audience. Similar incidents occurred throughout his visit. I learnt two important lessons that day. One that we live in a completely different era that to progress valiantly, we must all embrace. And two, that I must simply start remembering to get my phone out. Back then, I realised that even though I was a Content Strategist, I had not developed the habit of being ready to capture those important moments or document (as the great Gary Vaynerchuk would call it) my life. You see, content creation does not have to be fancy. It needs only to be real; it should be your story. AND, all you must do is remember to get out your phone. Use that powerful device that’s probably always ‘glued’ to the palm of your hand to capture and upload without overthinking it. If you do not, you will be left behind. AND, as you can probably guess, the more you do it, the better you get at it, and the less you care about the naysayers. You’ll also find about a thousand people who will love you for it. However, you gotta start first. Also to all the CEOs, Marketing Professionals, Founders and anyone else building a brand using social media, I encourage you to join the upcoming webinar – ‘A Simple Content Strategy for Brand Growth’. This workshop is ideal for Content Marketing professionals looking to develop critical strategies to work in an organisation or build brand awareness. Book your spot here, now and today.