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It might sound cliché, but there’s a deeper truth in the saying, ‘Don’t be in business just for the money.’ This advice isn’t just about tempering financial expectations; it’s about the heart of your marketing strategy. When money is the main focus, you risk missing the real magic of storytelling in business. After all, no one wants to hear, ‘Buy my product so I can make a profit.’ That’s hardly compelling. Let’s take a cue from Oprah Winfrey, who famously emphasises the power of intent. Before launching any project, she asks her team, ‘What’s your intent?’ This is a crucial question for any brand. Your intent should revolve around the change and impact you want to create in people’s lives and the world. Without this clear intent, your brand narrative can lose its authenticity and appeal. Even in times when profits are slim, a strong intent keeps you grounded and focused. It’s the foundation of a successful strategy, allowing you to review, adjust, and stay true to your mission. Your business intent should resonate with your ‘why’—your core values that align with the needs of your audience. Each post, video, or story you share must reflect these values, speaking directly to the hearts and struggles of your followers. It’s about crafting authentic stories that reveal the soul of your brand and forge emotional connections. Engaging in real conversations, you’ll grasp your audience’s deepest aspirations. Content transcends profit; it’s a powerful catalyst for change and inspiration. By prioritizing service over sales, you ignite meaningful action that enriches everyone’s experience. So, let’s shift the narrative. Instead of chasing money, let’s focus on crafting stories and strategies in social media that resonate with authenticity and purpose. This is what attracts, entertains, and genuinely engages your audience. Remember, in the realm of social media, intent isn’t just a nice-to-have; it’s the core of your brand’s story.Instagram Mastery: Business Boost
Master IG on Dec 9 – Unlock growth, engage your audience, and lead trends.
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