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Let’s face it. Social media has got many brands and influencers involved in a popularity contest.
Not that they are necessarily competing against one another, but undoubtedly many find themselves vying for more likes, more views and more shares. And will go all out in acquiring these confirmations of a job well done.
And why not? There is nothing wrong with putting everything into creating content that audiences want. Sharing great content with the world is a goal worthy of achievement.
But for many brands, the need for social acceptance can steer us off course. We fail to tap into the true essence of our brand identity as the possibility of mass adulation lures us.
But to be adored by the masses shouldn’t be the goal. It should be to tell our brand stories truthfully, and creatively. Brands should aim to impact society for the better and in new ways. The goal to get audiences to click the thumbs up button is a shallow intent.