Marketing the vaccine – what we can learn

Her Majesty Had it

Marketing the vaccine

A week or so ago, the media reported the Queen and Prince Philip had taken the COVID-19 vaccine. Doctors in white coats keep appearing on the 9 o’clock news to explain the importance of getting vaccinated. We watch nurses on our television sets, well some of us on our phones, bravely getting the vaccine injected.

Why were we shown and told about this news? Why does the public need this proof? Because they are scared. Many people are in fear of the need for the COVID-19 vaccine. And what of the physical consequences that could arise from taking something we know little about? Many are in fear and need assuring from people we trust and hold in positions of authority. Maybe, we tell ourselves, just perhaps, if Her Majesty has had it, the vaccine is not that bad after all.

We Trust the Experts

Marketing the vaccine

The Royal family, doctors, nurses are the type of people whose words and actions we take seriously. And on occasion, we consider the actions and decisions taken by authority figures as an excellent example of how to do things.

Your customers have similar fears. They fear losing their hard-earned cash on products and services they don’t need, don’t work or don’t fulfil their deepest desires.

But when fear exists, we are willing to hear what the experts have to say. We find people with years of experience and training difficult to ignore.

Are your customers ignoring you? Are you losing out on sales because people don’t trust you? You can use social media to build that trust. When you create valuable content, you develop your credibility as an authority in your area of expertise.

Don’t’ be afraid to share what you can do with your audiences. Be liberal with your insights and knowledge to make it easier for audiences to believe what you say and trust in your offerings.

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