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A lot of the time, we go through the motions of creating content. We create what we think the audience will like, and the correct pictures and copy to go with it and then blam; we hit the publish button; all action and no emotion. It’s routine. We’ve been doing it for so long we forget to feel what we’re doing; bring the passion and the energy. And yes, the content is great, but we expect energy back from our fans. But maybe, just maybe, if we add a little extra energy, our content comes alive, and it takes on a new form; it begins to mean something more than just content. The next time you create, focus on the energy you have. Bring every ounce of passion to it because our fans feed off our energy. I know we’re human, and we’re not passionate all of the time. But let’s do it more of the time until it becomes routine. If you would like to book consulting services or have me speak at your event, contact me on the form below today. Let a Professional Marketing Agency Manage Your Socials Discover three impactful strategies to attract your first 100 Highly Engaged Fans. Dive in and transform your social media game! I want to see Borodin not Beyoncé in my feed but the algorithms are against me and other black people apparently. Here's my thoughts In charge of their passion... is that a thing? Do I need it? Do you? After seeing many people not push themselves, I think, yes....Get in Touch
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