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Chances are, if you have ever posted on social media, you’ll have posted a story of some sort. Like, the time you shared the video footage caught from your Ring doorbell. You shared the content with all your Facebook connection so they could see the delivery man being scared to hell by the neighbours’ cat. You’d thought they’d get a good giggle. And you were right. Or how about that time, little Johnny learnt how to climb out of his cot, and you shared your proud moment on IG stories the video from the baby monitor. Maybe, like most of us, you posted photos from a major life event, like a graduation ceremony, charity run or buying your first home. You’ve done it. We’ve all done it. We’ve all told those stories that reveal a little to the world about what we value, find funny or utterly can’t stand. And our connections loved these stories because they were real. They were the ones that got the most engagement. They bought the story up the next time we met face to face, and you relieve the story, and they cooed, awwed or congratulated you again in real life. You weren’t selling anything, but you felt you had made a deeper connection. That’s because after each story we tell, our friends buy into us and who we are a little more. Keep telling the stories that people care about; let them celebrate and sympathise with you. Or tell the stories that will inspire your audience, move them, and cause them to remember your brand. It’s okay to do this with your business content. is a content marketing agency based in London. If you would like to book consulting services or have me speak at your event, contact me on the form below today. Let a Professional Marketing Agency Manage Your Socials Our fans feed off our energy - A one minute read to inspire you to bring more of the passion, more of the time. Click... Unlock 'The Elusive Power of Brand Storytelling.' Make your customer the hero and boost sales with our latest guide "Unless I let you know who the customer is our message is watered down." I explain more what I mean by this in the article....Get in Touch
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