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For how long have you not started? For how long have you not put in the work? This is an article about a song called Toast that reminds us about...
Going viral is a dream for some creators. In this article, I share my experience of virality and what's important after the viral video has been forgotten.
Over the many years managing content strategies for brands, beginning and ending my own digital ventures, I know one thing - Patience is the answer.
In this video, I share my personal stories to help encourage you to have the confidence to share content on social media. I hope it helps!
Here are a few things I have discovered about the social media habits of your audiences that will help you create better content.
In a sea of noise, attention is scarce. Stories grab attention. Start creating content that has a clear brand message with storytelling frameworks.
Too many brands are creating content that won't convert fans to customers. In this article, I'm sharing how to tell relevant and influential stories.
The shocking truth about your content is that audiences don't really care. So this article shares insight on what to do about this.
How many social media platforms should a business use? Here's an unknown reason for being on several social media platforms.
Strong branding can maximise Social Media attention. So, I have put together a series of videos to provide insight into how to build brand culture.
We examine the strength of Engagement and Hashtags when building relationship with your customers and identify key aspects that build loyalty.