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Today I’m taking it easy on myself. We’re so driven by getting results that we work ourselves into a frenzy, and in fact, the very opposite happens. The more we seek to solve the problem, the bigger the problem seems to get. We can’t see the forest for the trees. I laugh as I write that last sentence because of the truth of it, in my life anyway. You? Anyway, today I’m stripping things. I have a marketing problem to solve, and so I am looking at things a lot simpler. Silencing some of the voices, especially the ones who think they know but don’t. Yes, I’ve said it. Nearly everyone is a marketing specialist these days. I laugh again. I admit I don’t know it all, and there isn’t a cut and dry solution for every brand. But I live and breathe this marketing stuff, and too many inexperienced voices can have projects getting a bit chaotic. When you’ve got a marketing problem to solve, the most straightforward answer is, help the customer get the change they seek. And then you go out there and find out from the customer what that change is. is a content marketing agency based in London If you would like to book consulting services or have me speak at your event, contact me on the form below today. Let a Professional Marketing Agency Manage Your Socials Our fans feed off our energy - A one minute read to inspire you to bring more of the passion, more of the time. Click... Unlock 'The Elusive Power of Brand Storytelling.' Make your customer the hero and boost sales with our latest guide "Unless I let you know who the customer is our message is watered down." I explain more what I mean by this in the article....Get in Touch
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