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Sometimes you don’t have to create content. Instead, you scroll content – miles of it. I’ve had to do that this week. Here’s why. There’s a lot of content out there. And I realise I hit the like button on most of it. If it makes me laugh or cry, or I enjoy the aesthetics, I’ll “like” it. But instead of “liking” this week, I researched and focused on identifying the content that really “bangs”. You may not be surprised to know it’s a mere handful. This week, two of the millions (yes, an exaggeration) of accounts we surveyed on Tiktok stood out for me: Madonna’s and Burberry’s. Madonna’s TikTok account is exceptional. It’s so on-brand, creative and captivating. Madonna has a smaller fan base than yesteryear. But in amongst all the hateration comments, I bet her true fans are eating her content up. They will love what she is doing and standing for. And it shows. Madonna always gets millions of views, and one of her TikToks went viral this week. Take note. Madonna does not create content for likes. She creates art to be noticed and remembered. And that’s where many creators get it wrong. They want likes instead of focusing on creating a remarkable brand that gets people talking. There’s also Burberry, who are lovers of storytelling. Right now, Burberry’s TikToks go a long way to capture the imagination. They are sticking to their timeless story, Open Spaces and making it even more appealing to Gen Z. In a short film called Night Creatures, young people chatting on the top deck of the familiar red double-decker bus suddenly jolt on the beloved streets of London and get off. In the story that follows, Burberry continues to capture the minds and emotions of its target audience. There are several symbols Burberry uses to connect with Gen Z. Can you detect them? Watch the film here Also, read Using Symbols to “Blow up” your brand here. Another aspect of my “what content works” activities this week has been examining the stats for our clients. It’s led us to decide we’re no longer doing the mediocre stuff, and we’re expanding on content that had the fans saying, “Yes, we love this”. Data analysis is a necessary activity if you want your audience to grow. You start by creating without fear, and then you review. There should always be space to create your best work fearlessly. Next, you check if it worked. You screw up the fails and slam dunk them into a waste paper bin. Then, you direct your resources towards the best ideas. Have a story as your basis and use it to create. Do this regularly and review your work to develop great content and achieve brand growth. There’s no point in creating content just to be seen. Fans might ‘like’ mediocre work, but it doesn’t necessarily get your brand remembered and desired. Create your best work, which should be remarkable, brand identifiable, and tell a good story. I will share insights on creating and managing brand desire in an upcoming lecture. To learn more, book here – Creating Desire for Fashion Brands. I hope you have enjoyed this post. If you have, please share with your social media networks and leave a comment below, sharing your thoughts and experiences. If you are interested in working with us, please visit and contact us today! For exclusive content, products, opportunities and announcements. If you would like to book consulting services or have me speak at your event, contact me on the form below today. Whatever you do, don't give up Content Marketing. Watch this entertaining video, where I share my experience of helping brands grow on social media. How many of you agree that nobody has to buy from you on socials? In today's article, we discuss why misunderstanding this hurts businesses. In this article, we'll discuss how audiences buy Into your content. Discover how you can get attention in the first stages of the sales journey.Subscribe Today
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