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Fancy a coffee and a chat? How about a bit of entrepreneurial motivation?
I’m here to delve deeper into what really counts in the game of socials and brand building. And you know me, I’m not one to focus solely on going viral, ‘likes’, shares, or the sound of tills ringing. Instead, it’s about something far more vital – entrepreneurial motivation.
Before we dive in, there’s something I need to speak about first – the often unspoken truth about the entrepreneurial hustle. Sometimes, the support we fervently hope for simply isn’t there. Friends might not reach into their pockets to back your venture, and your family might not truly understand the depth of your passion. I’ve been there, done that – hosting my own events with barely anyone turning up.
It’s proper gutting when your inner circle cheers on someone else’s gig but ghosts yours. Or when they claim to support your work, but your social media notifications tell a different story. That gap, where the support should be, can feel enormous, like a chasm between your expectations and reality.
But here’s the kicker – in the grand scheme of things, you don’t actually need their validation. Not really. The real measure of success in business, the crux of entrepreneurial motivation, isn’t found in applause or online thumbs-ups; it’s in the hard graft you put in, the value you add, and the positive impact you have on people’s lives.
Every single day you’re out there, sticking it out and putting in the graft, is a salute to your entrepreneurial motivation. It’s a testament to your grit and elbow grease. You’re crafting, innovating, shaking things up, making a difference – and that’s something truly special. So, keep your head high, remember your ‘why’, and continue to give it your all to the community you’ve chosen to serve.
Remember, you’re not on this wild ride solo. We’re all in the same boat – crafting, picking up new tricks, and growing together. Here’s to us, fueled by our shared entrepreneurial motivation, keeping on keeping on, one step at a time.
As we navigate these waters, let’s not forget the importance of self-care and balance. Entrepreneurial motivation is not just about relentless work; it’s also about knowing when to take a step back, reflect, and rejuvenate. It’s about striking a balance between our professional aspirations and our personal well-being.
So, here’s my parting thought for you: Keep nurturing your entrepreneurial motivation, but also take time to nurture yourself. Your dreams are important, and so are you.
Ta for now and all the best,
Bess Obarotimi
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