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If you want social media to work, be prepared. It's going to take something from you. Read the article and find out what that something is.
If you want to do great social media marketing, you should study life, people and culture. Click to continue reading.
There's a tick box exercise you must participate in to ensure to reach increased brand attention. Click to read the why and what.
We must provide a complete social media experience if we want to be successful at driving brand advocacy. Click to read more.
All sorts of major brands use gamification to drive brand advocacy. Discover how you can use gamification to bond with your customers.
The research proves Customers like novelty. Studies reveal exciting neurological activity occurs when customers engage with novel content. Read more.
Here is the answer to, "How do I attract attention?" Create great content. And is advertising dead? No. Not entirely. Click to read.
Why do we ignore the signals when our gut is telling us this or that isn't working? That inner alarm bell is ringing. Click to read more.
A quick blog post on what customers really want from your content because the social media platforms are a bit like T.V, except they're not.
When using social media to enhance the customer experience journey, business more accurately match content to users' expectations.