Turn It Up to 100: Embracing Authenticity and Charisma on Social Media

Turn It Up to 100: Embracing Authenticity and Charisma on Social Media

If you’re focused on standing out on social media, go for it! Think you’re fabulous? Then be fabulously you. Got a strong opinion? Deliver it with all the charisma you’ve got. Go all out being the epitome of who you can be.

As I write this, I know some might not agree, but that’s okay. Some of you may think I’m encouraging you to put on an act. Well, if you think staying ‘hidden’ and being normal works, that’s fine. Run with it.

But being audacious isn’t about pretending to be someone you’re not. I’m not saying change who you are. I’m saying crank it up to 100.

There’s a part of me that loves punk and gothic looks, not fully, but bits of it. Honestly, I’ve been too scared to push it.

But then, I tried these bizarre leg warmers. I wanted to wear them in some content I have planned on creating. Honestly, I didn’t have the guts to wear them in public, so they stayed in my suitcase until the shoot location.

In the final video published on socials, I explained to my social media audience how my daughter thought they were hideous, but the comments said otherwise. It makes you think, doesn’t it?

Why are we so scared to be our authentic self at full volume? Because it’s different. Because people might stare. They might say negative things about us, mock, and laugh even.

As human beings, we despise that feeling of being uncomfortable and avoid anything that brings about that feeling. It’s a change of state from the normal; what we’re used to. Stepping outside our comfort zones – that’s what we don’t like.

We’re not getting attention every minute of the day. But when we do something that is out of the ordinary, we most likely get noticed for it. It’s different. So, standing out and drawing attention can feel uncomfortable.

Whether it’s positive or negative attention, that change of state is not something we are used to, and so it’s uncomfortable.

And for some reason, when we do something different, something out of the norm, we often assume the reaction will be negative. So, we’d rather give it a miss. We shy away from anything that could get us that possible negative attention.

But that’s the thing, it’s only possible, not the actual reaction. And even though the actual reaction makes us feel uncomfortable, that’s exactly what we want, a reaction – to be seen and heard in the crowded world of social media.

To be a social media influencer, you have to throw self-consciousness out the window.

We’re so busy trying to fit in that we rob ourselves of being our unadulterated selves – the very thing that people actually want. Not what you think people want to see, but the real, unfiltered you. No dumbing it down, no holding back.

What’s more is that most of the time, it’s all in our heads. People aren’t judging; they’re loving you. In fact, some wish they could be you. That’s the truth!

When you scroll down your feed on any platform, are the people creating content charismatic and memorable? For the most part, no. Some have as much charisma as a wet flannel. A few give us a little personality, and one or two will give us pizzazz.

Those flamboyant and charasmatic personalities are the ones who leave a lasting impression on you.

Come on, admit it, most of what you see is boring. People who are afraid of criticism trying to be good at being normal. And quite frankly, they’re forgettable

Unleashing your charisma is freeing, an opportunity to not only be yourself but also share it with others. And yes, there may be criticism, but there’ll also be those who see you as a breath of fresh air, standing out in the miles of the same old content.

Standing out on social media is about embracing your individuality and is all part of building a brand.

Agree or nah?


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