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It's partly up to us to become conscious marketers and CEOs to stop it; to change how we do business. Click to read more
I've heard many marketers predict that it won't be long before social media is a thing of the past. But we need evolution, not desertion. Read more
Creating content to be seen is not enough. The platforms have been around for a long time, and expectations are higher.
It takes humility. And that's probably the hardest for brands to accept. Social media was created for people, not brands.
I have nothing against advertising. It costs a lot, yet it works. However, I like to emphasise marketing for brand growth. Click to read why
We examine how building brand desire through marketing will have consumers choosing your brand for the long term.
I see businesses do great things and some bad things on socials but there is a common marketing mistake that you should steer clear of.
Social media marketing insight on why luxury fashion brands use social media to create experiences rather than to sell goods.
Pfft to excuses is a short article I've written about our commitment to making our dreams come true using socials. Let me know if you relate.
How many of you agree that nobody has to buy from you on socials? In today's article, we discuss why misunderstanding this hurts businesses.