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Often we were rose-tinted glasses when it comes to our brand and it can skew our understanding of how customers perceive us.
Would you like to know the biggest new social media platform? Yes? Thought you might. Well, I've got some advice for. Click to read more.
Ever felt in your marketing that it's been said before, done already, created way back when? Well, don't get bored just yet. Click to read more.
We should stop calling social media a platform for marketing to our customers but a platform to be creative. Continue Reading
We create what everyone understands, everyone has seen before, and what is expected. So nothing is new, and the danger is nobody remembers us
What's the magic formula to creating great social media experiences? Well, after a few years, we've got the insight that you need to know.
If you agree that Investing in social media is a critical company activity. Indulge me. Read this article and share your thoughts in the comments.
With deadlines to meet and CEO's to please, one of the hardest things in marketing is to sit back and evaluate. Click to read more
So as I say, if you can't make videos, or TikToks or nice little graphics, write. Everyone can write. And make it a daily habit. | Read more
The Circle is a game show, and it teaches us a ton about how to gain popularity, followers and loyalty on social media. Click to learn more.